I don't even know whether this is a video of a reallife girl with a filter on it or a virtual girl?! Amazing!
Can this be the avatar of the future?
This blog is interesting for Brand managers and Marketing managers. It shows you how games can help to achieve marketing objectives and includes postings about digital interactive branding, like branded utilities and social media for organizations & brands. Check out www.brandnewgame.nl for more information what digital interactive concepts can do for your brand. Or visit www.brandnewplayground.com for more information about my book!
In my opinion this tool would be GREAT for Shooter games where you can finally recognize eachother ingame by the way one looks. Hopefully games like Battlefield, Call of Duty and Killzone will incorperate this in the near future! This could also be applied to MSN avatars or your future CAE's' (Cyber Alter Ego's )...